Urban planner, he is a full professor, he was Chairman of the Territorial Planning faculty of the IUAV University of Venice, where he taught Evaluation Techniques and Territorial Planning. He carries out research in the field of project evaluation, urban planning, territorial analysis and remediation of polluted sites, with particular reference to the ‘megasite’ of Porto Marghera (Venice).
He has taught the Master’s Degree in urban and territorial planning applied to developing countries and has been carrying out cooperation activities in Ethiopia with local institutions and universities for twenty years.
He has published some texts on the country’s urban problems. He was president of the Italian Evaluation Association. The professional activity is mainly aimed at the evaluation of community programs and the construction of urban projects in Africa in the context of decentralized cooperation policies, but also at urban and territorial planning in Veneto.
He edited, among others, the texts: Patassini, D. (2006) ‘Evaluation and planning processes: institutional landings’, Rassegna Italiana di Evaluation, X, n.34, pp. 27-42; Patassini, D. 2006. “The European space at the local level” (editor in coll.), Inu Edizioni, Rome, 2006; Patassini, D. 2006. “Urban evaluation experiences” (edited), FrancoAngeli, Milan, 2006; Patassini, D. (2005)Beyond benefit cost analysis. Accounting for non-market values in planning evaluation, with D Miller, Ashgate, Aldershot; Addis Ababa. Village and capital of a continent, with C Diamantini, Franco Angeli, Milano1993.